Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Exciting times!

Things are getting exciting here at the temporary Hayes household! :) We're anxiously awaiting James's arrival for his 18 days of R&R! We've got lots of fun things planned for his vacation so if I don't post for awhile, expect a nice, long, picture-filled post after he leaves (ugh)!

Kemper's baptism is coming up this Sunday at Holy Name of Mary. We're looking forward to seeing lots of family and friends, especially out of town family and friends we don't get to see very often! We've also got a little vacation to D.C. planned. Hopefully we won't melt but we're looking forward to visiting the Smithsonian museums, walking around and visiting the monuments, and just enjoying our little family time together.

I'm sure there will be lots of fun, new pictures of Kemper and his daddy so check back at the end of the month. For now, we're off to wait for the phone call that we can pick him up at the airport!! (I don't think Kemper understands the excitement, but he's definitely feeding off of the excitement as he's been super alert the past few days and refusing to take naps - the only upside is that he's EXHAUSTED come bedtime and usually falls asleep before I can even say g'nite!).


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