He LOVED Thanksgiving - he got to try LOTS of new foods and loved every single thing!!! He tried turkey, stuffing, a strawberry, a little bit of a roll, pumpkin pie and CoolWhip! The pumpkin pie was his favorite and he was VERY upset with me when I wouldn't give him anymore.
We headed over to Jon and Lynse's along with Justin, Kristin and Rick for our Thanksgiving feast. We had a great time with our family away from home and got to see Gavin and Kemper enjoy Thanksgiving. We're so thankful to have such a wonderful group of friends here in Germany to spend Thanksgiving with!
In other news, Kemper got another tooth! YAY!!! His top left tooth popped throuugh on Wednesday. No sign of the top right tooth but so far, he's doing just fine with 3! He is starting to learn to put Puffs (kind of like Cheerios but a little more airy and melts quicker in his mouth) in his mouth by himself. He is quite mobile and mischevious and wants nothing to do with the plethora of brightly colored, loud toys we have for him. Instead, he'd rather play with (well, attempt to play with, we stop him) cords and electrical sockets. He gets very offended when we stop him and tell him "NO!". One particular morning, I kept moving him across the room from the fan cord that he wanted to play with (ok, bite) and after the 5th time moving him, I popped his hand lightly when I stopped him, told him no, and moved him. The look on his face was absolutely pitiful and he just poked his bottom lip out and started to cry. He didn't go back for the cord after that, although, the next day, all bets were off and back to the fan he went.
Along with crawling, he's been pulling up on anything and everything and he cruises along the edge of the couch and between the couch and coffee table. He also pulls himself up in his crib (the mattress is lowered and rail is up) and when he wakes up in the morning, more often than not when I go to get him up, he's standing up holding onto the side of his crib with a big grin on his face! I just love seeing his precious face in the morning (especially since he's been sleeping a little later lately!).
Standing up in his crib
We're heading out later to get our Christmas tree and hopefully we'll decorate the house later today. We're still trying to figure out where to put the tree and how to keep little hands out of it this year - I'm sure a very tall tree with lots of shiny, sparkly lights on it will attract the attention of our sweet little one!
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