CDC has been going WONDERFULLY these past 2 weeks. When we got back from our trip to Athens, I took him in the following Wednesday, he immediately smiled at Mrs. Josee and there were NO TEARS! When I picked him up, she asked me what I fed him that morning because he was perfect the whole time. Not a tear or a pout in sight. YAY!! Now, when we get there, he smiles as we walk in the door and barely looks back as he toddles off to find a toy while I sign him in and get his stuff put away. We've also gotten our first 2 Kemper originals. They fingerpainted for Valentines Day (and, the picture they took of him painting, while he is looking down at the paper and not at the camera, it looks like he is TERRIFIED and crying while he's fingerpaining) and did another fingerpainting activity this past Wednesday. Those masterpieces now reside on the refridgerator. :)
Last Sunday we went with our friends, the Schmidts, to the Fasching Parade in Vilseck. Think along the lines of Mardi Gras but low scale for the tiny little town. It was definitely an interesting afternoon. Pretty much anyone and everyone who wants to be in the parade can be as long as they have a random costume. The oddest thing about the parade was that they carried kegs, mini kegs, or bottles of liquor on the floats and would fill your glass or OFFER you a glass as they passed you on the parade route. James said that we obviously hadn't been going to the right kind of parades all our lives. :)
A few pics to enjoy.