Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Time is flying

Kemper is almost 10 months old - HOLY COW!


Messy face!

Messy face again!
Not much going on around here, we've been finalizing plans to go on a few trips around Europe before we head back to the States this summer. We're going to Greece for Valentines Day weekend and then to Rome when Rita comes to visit in March. Kemper is going to be one well-traveled baby (even though he won't remember where he's been or what he's seen!).

Stuck again

Good eater!

He is slowly perfecting his walking - he's beginning to walk faster and faster each day. He started going to CDC (the Child Development Center) a few weeks ago for a couple hours a day. James and I thought it would be good for Kemper to start getting used to playing with other kids so we signed him up and he goes a couple days a week for 4 hours a day. We're still working on the seperation anxiety but he's doing so well! His teachers, Miss Josie and Miss Nicole, tell me that every day, he's getting better. There are lots of fun toys and kids for him to play with. He's not napping while he's there which they're working on, but that doesn't surprise me because he's not used to napping in an environment that is somewhat noisy.

New shoes

Balancing ON the walker - not walking in it!

Relaxin' with Daddy after a long day! ;)
He got his first real boo-boo last week at CDC. He was playing with Gavin on one of the play sets and took a tumble down the little ramp. He had 2 spots on his forehead and 2 on his eyelid but Miss Nicole said that she thinks she was more scared than he was! She picked him up and cuddled him for a few minutes, then he was ready to get back down and play again!

See my boo-boo?

Busy busy busy!

Kemper and Gavin out to eat
He's got another tooth that just popped through yesterday. Knock on wood, so far, he's an easy teether. I'm sure that could change any minute, but for the most part, he doesn't get fussy or irritable when he's cutting a tooth. We had no clue he was working on another one until I just tried to feel around in his mouth and found it popped through!

I leave you with the progression of a tantrum....he's so cute, even when he's throwing a fit!


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