Thursday, February 12, 2009

Snow baby

It has snowed here every day since Monday - yuck. Yesterday, we got a pretty good amount of snow in about 3 hours, so Kristin and I took Kemper and Ruger out to play while the guys were at work. I bundled Kemper up, which baffled him as to why I was putting so many clothes on him PLUS a snowsuit that made him look and walk like a marshmellow man, and we headed out. The first time we took him out in the snow, he wasn't a fan, so I was a little apprehensive as to whether or not he would enjoy himself. Since he couldn't walk very well, he took a face first dive into the white stuff but didn't seem upset at all. He looked around, tasted a little snow, and Auntie Kristin built him a Kemper-sized snow man! He enjoyed watching Ruger run around like a wildman in the snow, too! He didn't appreciate our attempt at creating a snow angel with him and decided that he'd had enough and was ready to come inside.

Of course, I took lots of pictures - enjoy!

View from our back porch

Snow angel!

Kemper and Ruger with the snowman and snowdog
Seriously mom, is that camera permanently attached to your face?

Hey, the snowman stole my paci!

Silly snowman

Taking it all in.

Oops, he fell over!

See the black eye?

This stuff isn't too bad after all!

Tasting snow


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